Gherardo Della Mart
a - Counsellor & Psychotherapist
2008-2014 mental health worker c/o East London NHS foundation trust
2008-2010 bereavement counsellor c/o East london and the City bereavement service
2008-2014 volounteer counsellor and assessor c/o London friend LGBT charity organization
2012-2014 volounteer counsellor c/o the awareness centre in Clapham
2012-2014 volounteer counsellor c/o GP surgeries across Clapham
2013-2014 volounteer couple counsellor c/o Relate in RIchmond
currently working in private practice in London W10, NW1, SE1, WC1B.
I am a member of the BACP (British association of counselling and psychotherapy) and I adhere to their ethical code of practice
2002-2006 BSC psychology degree - Birkbeck college
2008-2010 PG DIP Counselling - London Metropolitan university
2012-2014 IAPT PG certificate improving access psychological treatments - Reading university
I CAN OFFER THERAPY IN ITALIAN (posso offrire la terapia in lingua italiana)